Blue Wisconsin has gone with Walker a couple times now, and he even weathered a recall election that was heavily funded by the DNC to take him out. He has a lot of successes and proof of ability to govern and manage. If he manages to disappoint the voters of Wisconsin, he will suffer the same fate as Gore in Tennessee.

I guess I still don't see Gold Plated Health Care as a Constitutional Right, and I don't think so many able bodied people should get free and high cost emergency care. Of course, I have always worked for my benefits and understand that liens would be placed upon my home and assets if I decided that I didn't need to pay my bills. I would like to see the able-bodied indigents somehow have to work off their freebies. We have huge infrastructure deficiencies, and there is no shortage of work that needs to be done. We don't all pay one way or another. Some perfectly able people are getting a free ride, and it needs to stop. It is not compassionate to take many hours out of your life and my life and give it to freeloaders. We all have finite lives. If you or I die prematurely because we worked hard to support freeloaders, or if a freeloader dies because they were too lazy to pay for their health care, what's the difference? I think if more able bodied people were refused free care, they would miraculously find work and the means to pay just like you and I.

You raise many interesting points about the factors which are driving these insane health care costs. Too bad our politicians haven't been looking at the problems and actually solving them instead of just moving money around and redistributing wealth. That was exactly my point. Simply throwing money at our problems has not solved any that I'm aware of.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.