Originally Posted By: canvasback
You didn't answer the question I posed. Where did King say he didn't know who Soros was? Stay on topic Keith, don't try to wiggle away! LOL

James, you know I don't try to wiggle away from anything. King absolutely did not say he didn't know who Soros was. I have no problem admitting that. I also never said he actually said that. He said he did not recognize the photo of Soros, and while I might believe it if ed good or some other Low Information Democrat apologist said it, I do not believe it coming from our resident compulsive liar. When Last Dollar told us he had no idea who Soros was, I absolutely believed him because he had strong opinions on things he knew nothing about. Another Low Information voter, now gone fishing.

I stand by my opinion and my belief that the extreme Liberal King has seen more than one crude pencil sketch of the Uber-Socialist who funds so many of his favorite causes and anti-gun Democrat politicians.

Do you have any comment on King Brown being outraged at the thought that someone might suggest killing a traitorous Nazi collaborator like Socialist Soros, but having no comment on the many blacks and black leaders who expressed or incited death threats which led to the actual killings of U.S. Police Officers? Or would you prefer to let that little hypocrisy go unchallenged?

And surely you noticed how, even when King Brown admitted to knowing of him, he cherry-picked what he knew and supported, and stayed far away from his vehement Anti-Gun activities. He didn't go near his backing of Move-On.org, the Obama campaign, the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, and the recent revelation that he poured over 33 million into inciting racial uprisings in the U.S. Again, where is King's outrage at Soros' funding of unrest that led to the killings and death threats of Police Officers?

Then King deftly tried, once again, to equivocate and transfer Soros' support of Liberal causes to those of the Koch brothers and other wealthy donors who donate to both Republicans and Democrats in order to cover their bases. Yet he did not show us where Soros ever once contributed to anything but the most radical Leftist causes or candidates, nor did he show us where the Koch brothers contributed to Left wing Democrats. He tried to portray David Koch as a Conservative Republican who "swings both ways"... no double entendre intended... when he is a well known Libertarian who actually ran for President on the Libertarian ticket. As a Libertarian, he may well vocally support some non-Conservative issues like gay marriage or pulling all U.S. troops from foreign excursions, but I don't see where he actually funded gay marriage initiatives.

This was just classic King Brown... constantly defending the anti-2nd Amendment Liberal Left Socialists whenever he can, and steering the conversation away from what they are actually doing to the country. If you wish to drink the King Brown Kool-Aid, I can't stop you. But don't ask me to pretend I don't see what he is and why he spends so much time here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.