I had a BSW 12 guage made in 1936 for awhile. It was a plain (except for the nice scalloped receiver and their foolish "Nazi duck" on the floorplate) boxlock extractor with original 2 3/4" chambers and pretty clearly intended for export: marked "Germany" with a semi-pistol gripped stock and slightly fuller-than-usual forend. 29.5" barrels choked full and fuller.

Had the name of an Armenian-owned gunshop in Salonika, Greece on the barrel. Always wondered how it found its way into the collection of the US Air Force officer from whom I bought it, but I never found out. He'd pounded it with years of heavy trap loads and US high base duck loads and it was slightly but noticeably off face, so I sold it to another guy who liked it enough to repair that.

Even the plain BSWs are nice guns.