Originally Posted By: italiansxs
As I said earlier I'll believe him when he posts his address and telephone number! grin
I also re-stated,AGAIN, why I don't use my full name here.
Homeless jOe; who also doesn't use his real name summed up the Libtard comments in this thread more than adequately above.

Jim, I'll attribute the above to forgetfulness rather than untruthfulness. Otherwise, why did you send me 75 lbs. of lead shot in April 2011 in exchange for my check and mailed it to my name and address? I still have the 3 boxes with your little mailing label on them. I am who I say I am. Don't fret. I'm not going to post where you live or who you are. Can't say that about what the Low Blowhard would do.
jOe, you did me a favor and I'll let this pass. I try to repay favors and fxxxings in kind. Gil