Seriously, Obama destroyed the Iraqi army? It fell apart because of him? Like the myth of Bush invading to remove WMD?

Two weeks after 9/11 Donald Rumsfield wrote in his calendar after meeting with Bush:

"After the meeting ended I went alone to the Oval Office---He was alone
He was at his desk---
He talked about the meet
Then he said I want you to develop a plan
to invade Iraq. Do it outside the normal channels. Do it creatively so we don't have to take so much cover."

Consequences of the debacle are still with us. American occupation made Iraq a breeding ground for jihadists. IS sprung from it, mostly now in Iraq. You are accurate in that the US did an excellent job rebuilding the Iraqi army. Soldiers, however, don't fight for what they don't believe in. The army was riven by tribal animosities. US staying 100 years wouldn't have changed it.

"DoD has been organized, trained and equipped to fight big armies, navies and air forces. It is not possible to change DoD fast enough to successfully fight the global war on terror."---Donald Rumsfield, October 16 2003