the NYT is losing readers-AND employees becuse of its liberal slant,YOU LOOK IT UP King !

here is another

Al Qaeda in Iraq Seizes Saddams WMD Facility

But dont worry, Obama has announced hes dispatching Kerry to talk to people in the Middle East so its a race between which set of poison gasses will be emitted first.

Sunni extremists in Iraq have occupied what was once Saddam Husseins premier chemical-weapons production facility, a complex that still contains a stockpile of old weapons, State Department and other U.S. government officials said.

Heres the CIA report

Numerous bunkers, including eleven cruciform shaped bunkers were exploited. Some of the bunkers were empty. Some of the bunkers contained large quantities of unfilled chemical munitions, conventional munitions, one-ton shipping containers, old disabled production equipment (presumed disabled under UNSCOM supervision), and other hazardous industrial chemicals.

And there are more details here...

Although the damaged Bunker 13 at Muthanna contained thousands of sarin-filled rockets, the presence of leaking munitions and unstable propellant and explosive charges made it too hazardous for UNSCOM inspectors to enter. Because the rockets could not be recovered safely, Iraq declared the munitions in Bunker 13 as destroyed in the Gulf War and they were not included in the inventory of chemical weapons eliminated under UNSCOM supervision.

Hillary For Prison 2018