Originally Posted By: King Brown
You're repeating the opposite of what Chivers wrote, Dave. The rusty remnants were made for the Iraq-Iran war (when my daughter was in Baghdad as secretary of Canada's ambassador to Iraq).

Rusted shells and mustard/sarin residue aren't the WMD's that the US went to war to remove....

Great take King. All along, you have told us the puppet masters had duped powell in to testifying before the un about a couple old chem decontamination vans to rally the world against sadam. Now you're saying you had inside info all along about trivial old rusty cans of bug spray that the cdc of the radical islamic state told their citizens not to touch?

Allow me to spin a bit, and please confirm this with your daughter. It's the ole 'tip of the ice berg'. There was so much good stuff, that the bad guys just grabbed what they wanted because it wasn't worth their time or effort to deal with the garbage. You see their cdc is smarter than our cdc. Hmmm, even their leaders are smarter than ours, they'll save chem wmd's for use against their own as needed, because history shows the 'world' won't care one bit.