Very nicely explained, Kyrie. Lets up the ante and go objective. It is one thing to say, "Make me a medium game gun." and quite another to say, "Make me a gun with the following envelopes of weight, balance, and swing efforts. And, by the way, I'll not pay if the specification is not met."

The English gunmaker knew that his job included "sizing" the gun for the customer's intended use as much as hitting stock dimensions. Shooters come in all sizes, strengths, muscle speeds, and shooting styles. It is unrealistic to expect the Spanish master to "check all the boxes" for a customer he has not even met, much less visited with and watched shoot. Thje
Brits had something of a relationship with their gunmakers.

Per pigeon guns - if you follow them closely you will find some rather small ones made for smaller shooters. Clearly pigeon guns, but with game gun weight. If you are a small guy, guess what you will get if you order a pigeon gun and fail to note your size.

Kyrie, how would you expect a Spanish maker to react to to the following hypothetical order? 7# 8 oz - 8#, 4 1/2" - 5" balance point to front trigger, unmounted swing effort of 1.9 - 2.1, and a mounted swing effort 10.0 - 10.5?