Holy crap, you are either dumb as a bag of rocks or your ideology makes you incapable of acknowledging simple mathematical facts.

Technically, if you look at it on an individual basis, he certainly did cut taxes. A person making X amount of income one year, then making the same amount the year after the rate reduction took effect, that individual certainly received a tax cut.

Technically, he did not cut taxes. Technically, he did cut tax rates. Technically, some people paid less in taxes. Technically, some people paid more in taxes. Technically, Reagan increased the aggregated total tax take from all of us. If your total tax bill was reduced, good for you. My total tax bill increased as a result of Reagan's tax code restructuring. Most of the people I work with found their tax bills increasing. At the time of his tax code rejiggering (and until I retired a couple of years ago), I was forced to restructure hundreds of millions of dollars of employee compensation plans to minimize the taxes that those employees would have to pay as a direct result of Reagan's tax changes. Get your head out of your ass and study the subject rather that just parroting the Reagan acolytes' tired lines. He did some good things and he was reputedly a very nice guy, but he did not reduce taxes.