Originally Posted By: Ken61
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Remove subsidies from every industrial sector, or entertainment, publishing, energy, military manufacturing etc and the US economy would collapse overnight. Forgotten who put Wall Street and auto industry back on its feet? Everyone in the US wage economy. Remember Ike warning of the "industrial-military complex" on leaving office? Big money rigs everything to its advantage.

Preposterous assertions. The market would reassert itself, business efficiency would improve, innovation would occur, and the economy would stabilize. You're just attempting to rationalize crony capitalism. Wall Street should have been allowed to fail and reorganize. The auto companies should have declared bankruptcy. The bailouts only perpetuated the crony capitalism and insured political contributions at the expense of the taxpayers. You really are a big-government, statist, religious sociopath.

Bingo! Give this man a prize!!!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia