I plead guilty to failing to respond in great detail in my posts. I don't type very well, and it takes longer than I want to spend at my age to refute foolishness. I would like to make one point though concerning the extensive hatred exhibited here against any individual who draws a check from the government whether it be retirement benefits, unemployment, social security, welfare, whatever. I don't doubt there is fraud committed in these programs. I do doubt it is pervasive. Given the level of outrage expressed here, I have to wonder why no one expresses the least concern about General Electric or Verizon paying no federal income tax or about corporate welfare in the Farm Bill. Find out how much taxpayers are subsidizing Florida sugar producers and other corporate farmers and compare that to teachers' salaries. My point is the criticism here always goes to the least-well-off. Welfare and subsidies to those already rich beyond comprehension doesn't get a shrug. Ken, I assure you teachers don't write the tax code. I think we both know who does, and apparently that's OK with you. It's not OK with me.

Bill Ferguson