Originally Posted By: PA24

Just imagine, this libtard yo-yo says he taught young people in a public school setting.......unbelieveable to say the least.......certainly gives one a lot of insight as to why young folks are lacking in so many areas of basic knowledge .........

Doug, I don't know enough about Bill to have much of an opinion of him as a teacher. Who knows what he says to his students and i don't even know what subjects he teaches.

What I do find funny is that you use the term "unbelievable" to describe someone of middle/left leanings as a teacher in NA today. What is unbelievable about that??

It would be unbelievable if a teacher in either of our countries wasn't weak-kneed over Obama, didn't piss himself at the thought of a gun, didn't think that boys acting like boys means they have ADHD and need to be drugged. I could go on but you get the picture. THAT would be "unbelieveable".

As a side note, in one of our provinces, BC, they just ended a teachers strike. Last two weeks of last years and first three weeks of this year. Teachers there are, by any measure, well paid, with plenty of time off. And yet I had to read in the papers this morning about how they have been "traumatized" by their experience on the picket lines. I heard about a high school kid I think in Tennessee who got suspended from school recently and the police were called because he wrote a story about shooting a dinosaur for a school assignment. I mean, what is wrong with these people???

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia