Originally Posted By: King Brown
US governance is dysfunctional, Craig. Polls show Americans are fed up with its performance, a pox on both houses. There are no "ifs" about it.

The US was for invading Iraq. The Defence Secretary over-ruled the Pentagon's objections to troop strength and material support.

Once again King, your knowledge of American political system is very flawed.The raciest Harry Reid "keeping my Wongs straight "has been blocking house bills for years.


Harry Reid’s Obstructionism

Republicans complain that the media’s reporting on the “unprecedented obstructionism” of a “do-nothing Congress” has focused almost exclusively on GOP filibusters in the Senate and the refusal of the Republican-controlled House to take up Senate-passed bills, such as the Gang of Eight immigration-reform legislation. They note that House Republicans passed more than 200 bills in 2013, many of which Reid has refused to hold votes on in the Senate.

Reid has refused to bring up measures that would almost certainly pass with bipartisan support, such as legislation approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, or the aforementioned medical-device-tax repeal. He has also refused to consider legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran: A majority of Senate Democrats support the idea, but it’s strongly opposed by the White House. On the Iranian issue, Republicans have accused Reid of “playing defense for the president” against the wishes of his own conference.

Hillary For Prison 2018