Originally Posted By: King Brown
Read the book or the reviews, Dave. What matters is how systems work, more than the texts of founding documents.No one in 1787 intended a popular democracy supporting an independent and powerful presidency.

The Once and Future King sets out the legislative shenanigans by which presidents of all parties added to their powers "unchecked either by a supine Congress or an electorate believing its own libertarian political rhetoric."

Those separation of powers, Dave, were supposed to resist the president's authority. "Instead they have served to shield him from congressional oversight,"according to Buckley. Obama is only the latest user.

US citizens pride themselves not on constitutionalism but on "strong presidential governance," resulting in the US having "a greater tolerance for corruption than most other first-world countries."

Your opinions notwithstanding, an authoritative consensus from both sides of the ocean agrees.

Two words: LAME DUCK

These words have been part of our lexicon for many years, and for good reason. Contrary to what the Burger King is trying to submit as factual here, we do indeed have the tripartate government that the Framers of the Constitution intended. There is a very good reason why each state has 2 Senators, but the number of Congressmen is based upon population. There is also a very good reason Presidents wish to nominate and confirm Federal and Supreme Court Justices who share their idealogy. True, it has at times been perverted, now more than ever before, but the Legislative and Judicial branches have a long history of halting or reversing Presidential misadventures. It's also the major reason that Obama has spent so much time fundraising, and the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to try to maintain a Senate majority. There would be no need if there was a grain of truth in what King is trying to tell us. King is only a prevaricator on days which end in Y.

The use of Executive Orders is nothing new. What is new is Obama's intentional sidestepping of Congress with no regard for dissent or debate. Libtards are fond of reminding us that Obama still does not hold the record for sheer numbers of Executive Orders, but they neglect to tell you that the content is far more important than sheer numbers. Obama has creatively abused the pen to circumvent in extreme areas where he would have zero chance of legislative approval.

I'd like to see proof from the Burger King that the Framers never intended to form a Tripartate Government. Don't hold your breath. What he has given us is opinion from a Liberal author. King Brown has been actively advancing the Liberal Left notion that our Constitution is a living document and that it says things that aren't there. I believe his intent is just more LULLING. This time it's about the entire document rather than just the Second Amendment. Hey fellas, it's a quasi-monarchy anyway, so why fight it? Go with the flow, because this use of the pen has been going on for decades. "Obama is only the latest user" sayeth the Great LULLER King Brown. "Defeating Obama won't change anything without a change in the regulatory state." But King forgets to tell you that it has been the Liberal Left Democrats which have been the biggest abusers of the regulatory state, i.e. using agencies like the EPA to kill the Coal Industry, attempting to ban lead ammunition, trying to make firearms prohibitively expensive through extremely costly safety regulations, smart guns, microstamping, etc., etc. Read the Book, he says. Read the rave reviews. This is typical "Big Lie" technique.

King is not here to help us. Nor is he here to simply discuss issues. King is all about advancing the Liberal Left agenda, and that agenda includes the incessant attempts by Liberal Democrats to impose restrictions on our Second Amendment Rights. King is not our friend.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.