I'll reply in detail to Craig later, sorry to have not done so more quickly Craig. Just briefly though I am not say BO is doing just fine. Craig I understood your question to be how were regulations effecting me directly, in regards to chemicals etc. I mentioned the ones that come to mind in my shop. I have had no problems regarding Hazmat, EPA, new regulations etc. I'm sure others may have had problems with all the new BO greeny regulations but I have not. I feel for those effected though.

You asked several good questions Craig which I will try to address tonight. Is all debt the same? No, I do not think so, but the discussion does need to start somewhere. Once we start getting into whether or not the money was well spent it becomes quite philosophical. I'm not sure any of us have the time to fully explore who spent what and if it was a good idea or not.

Gingrich and his role? A big one in my mind. The fact we had a split government and both Newt and Slick Willy could come together to get things done was vital during that time period. There was compromise and the country was moving along nicely.