Originally Posted By: ed good
oh, ok, now I get it...so if we got rid of all of the poor black folks and all of the poor hispanic folks, then most of our murder problem would be eliminated. and we could close half of our prisons. is that what you are tellin me?

Maybe he's saying that there is a real problem within these communitites that have nothing to do with our Second Amendment rights. These problems only became as bad as they are as a direct result of the Great Society, Liberalism, and the Welfare State. Illigitimacy rose, as people became slaves on the Democrat Plantation. Mothers have multiple kids with multiple fathers who are not involved. Discipline and parental supervision has given us a generation of kids having babies, and kids with no moral compass. God forbid that the schools teach them right from wrong or enforce discipline. School prayer is a complete no-no.

It isn't law abiding gun-owners who did all those shootings in Chicago, and continue to do it in every big city that already has extremely restrictive gun laws. But it's law abiding gun-owners who guys like you and King think should give up more rights.

Didn't King just allude above, as Liberals are so fond of doing... that our Constitution is a living document, and the country has changed since it was written, so then, the Constitution must be changed or ammended in order to address current trends and problems???... even if those problems were created by Libtards?

You and King both know where the real problem is, but you and King will never admit it. That's how dishonest people with a dishonest agenda operate. I recently provided King with statistics on murder and violent crime rates for the U.S. and the rest of the world. There are many many countries far more violent than the U.S. including Greenland with a murder rate four times as high. I'd venture to say that if we shipped all of our black and hispanic gangbangers to Canadian cities, the murder and violent crime rates would spike there and fall dramatically here in spite of any gun laws in either country. Or maybe Canadian lawmakers would quickly notice that the problem was something other than fear of inanimate objects. Maybe they'd stop giving parole and probation to violent offenders and just lock them up and throw away the key. Much cheaper for society in the long run. But Liberals like King would cry bloody murder and wring their hands about racism and profiling, even when it became apparent that it was working... just as they have done here.

It's still abundantly clear that King wishes to carry the anti-gun/anti Second Amendment/anti-NRA message while pretending that he is on our side and only reporting the news. Well, we see dishonest and biased Liberal journalism all the time here... and King makes excuses for that too. Actions speak louder than words and dishonesty still isn't civility. It's not working King. The Emperor has no clothes and everyone here now knows it except for ed and Jagermeister. Get used to the new normal. More proof to support my opinion of your anti-Second Amendment behaviors to follow...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.