Originally Posted By: King Brown
Their homicide record is not edifying among modern societies. It is a violent country.


Sometimes you never cease to amaze me, considering the background you portray on here.

Being a liberal negro supporter and minorities in general supporter, you must realize that if you took negroes and hispanics out of the equasion, there would be almost no homicide record to talk about......if you took negroes and hispanics out of our prison system, we could close over half of the prisons and still have vacancies. I would guess that in Ontario you could do the same.

The blacks in this country in Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Miami, New Orleans, Newark, Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Houston and other large ghetto comprised cities account for 90% of the homicides in this country, look it up. And all with illegal, primarily stolen guns. Blacks kill each other wholesale in this country "daily"........

Since you support these people over and over on this board and have such vast knowledge that we do not have access to, please explain why this is so, we would all like to know...?...
