Originally Posted By: King Brown
Whatever the intent of the Second, recreational use of guns is so significant to members that our founding father Dave Weber placed the Second in the masthead of this board. The shooting fraternity is the strongest force for its protection. Do you know any other?

Where has this sentiment been for the past couple years? Looks like our Second Amendment athiest has suddenly found religion. No Athiests in foxholes, eh King?

If it was coming from any of a thousand other people, I might give them the benefit of doubt and cautiously accept it. Coming from this fraud who has repeatedly lied, obfuscated, changed the subject, disappeared for awhile 'till things die down, ... it's "fool me once, shame on you--- fool me twice, shame on me!

Doing the "Dance of the Gnomoron" and all the other fancy footwork isn't going to work this time.

More of King Brown's anti-Second Amendment/anti/NRA quotes to follow...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.