Clearly, it's more hypocrisy from the whining old crybaby who constantly complains about misbehavior and bad manners and incivility in Misfires... and also lies about racism, intolerance, and misogyny.

Why don't you just follow your own advice and take "Dave's injunction, if you don't like it, don't read it."??? What's good for the Goose is good for the anti Second Amendment Liar King.

And just look at the official Misfires prevaricator, now crying foul about the alleged red herring of him as an anti-gun troll. I've enumerated many of your anti-Second Amendment/anti-NRA behaviors King. Are you running away from your own words King? Are you going to deny what any fool can go back to page one and read? Want a pile of post numbers with your anti-Second Amendment/anti-NRA words? I've been saving them King. Who quoted ex-Justice Warren Burger's anti-Second Amendment sentiments which I reproduced in your own words on the first page of this thread King? You even went as far as to allude that the Court agreed with Burger in the Heller decision. Well, no... not unless you were talking about the four Leftist Liberal dissenting Justices who wish to legislate from the bench and ignore original intent, as you do. The link I provided from Dave Kopel explains that quite well.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
JRB, it is unusual for a Canadian to correct wacky American notions of the Second Amendment, particularly on a board with 28 pages under "Preserve the 2nd amendment thread---informational." Unusual but only ignorance or mean spirit would construe it as a protest of or attack on the Second Amendment.

You think our notions are wacky King... notions which incidentally agree with the majority decision in Heller and McDonald, and run counter to yours, ed's, nca225, homer, and a few other Libtard Constitutional scholars. How the hell are we supposed to construe your words and deeds? You are not our friend King. You provide absolutely nothing that would help us preserve our Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. You dishonestly maintain that there is no credible threat to our gun rights when you know Heller and McDonald were decided by 5-4 decisions, and that Obama's anti-gun iniatives after Newtown were brought to the floor of the Senate by a majority vote. You have done absolute zero to help the cause of gun rights in your own country. And now, after all this... you call it a red herring to have the opinion that you are an anti-gun/ anti-Second Amendment/anti-NRA troll?

Are you going to lie yet again and say I put words in your mouth? Does this mean you are done dishonestly pretending to ignore me? I guess it really is getting hot. Now you're running scared that we'll be starting a pledge drive to get rid of you. Well, it won't come from me. I have too much fun exposing your many lies and watching you pervert the truth and make a total as$ of yourself in the process.

But maybe one day soon, Dave W., visionary that he is, will have had enough of the vermin here who subvert exactly what he has done so much to promote. Maybe he will recall how much you pissed him off by polluting the Second Amendment thread with your bullshit. Maybe he'll boot your slimy asses without any monetary consideration... just because it's long overdue.

Don't like it... don't read it. And remember, dishonesty is not civility.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.