Jager, your "only way" doesn't work. To get its hands on bananas, oil, sugar or any other commodity, the West set up and supported dictatorships and pseudo-democratic puppets. Citizens over time took up arms against them; the more dedicated are jihadists who compromise with no one.

China plays a Long Game. It's surpassingly influential in Africa and elsewhere with elegant use of soft power. They gave Pakistan the bomb and missile technology more than 30 years ago. They assist ostensibly without the strings attached to Western aid. No question of who will gather the marbles.

The West continues to get suckered by its politicians playing to emotion instead of Reason. It works wonderfully. Wedge politics builds more jails as crime rates plummet, citizens preferring punishment to Reason. Jim believes the Second is inalienable with all evidence against it. Eight-three per cent of Americans believe God listens to and answers their prayers.

A first-time visitor to Misfires may believe from our sentiments that the United States itself is near revolt from stifling repression under a black populist who's really a Muslim promoting Islamic governance. There's a political hatred not exhibited elsewhere; gun and ammunition scarcity are consequences of citizens arming against government or government removing them to save its skin.

Misfires is an enlightening, entertaining and magical place.