Originally Posted By: King Brown
C'mon, Ed. Bucking to be another Mother Teresa? Jihadists are doing what we do: take over countries and people who don't believe as we do, arbitrarily and violently without warning to change their institutions, with obvious consequences.

As to our future, please consider that military expenditures are increasing in every world region except for North America, eastern and western Europe and Oceania. The West's resolve for preparedness isn't there.

Worse, continued under-spending means our militaries will lose their technological advantage that they've relied on for their effectiveness.

And now we have another country heard from. The Great King Brown starts with ridicule and name-calling, and then makes his esteemed observation that we are the same as the Jihadists. Only difference is that King can get all in a tizzy over our waterboarding of a tiny handful of murderers while overlooking the Jihadist tendancy to behead and murder innocent civilians. Of course the intent of killing anyone and everyone who does not believe in your particular religion is the moral equivalent of putting the Ten Commandments or a Manger Scene on public property.

This Great Liar also neglects to mention that the reductions in military spending that have left us unable to effectively fight on two major fronts came from Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. Welfare and Wealth Redistribution is the priority, while China and Russia and the Muslim Jihadists are growing stronger by the day. Weary of war???... hell yes... when you have had to fight several protracted, dragged out, costly stalemates... leading to eventual loss of all that was gained because one hand was tied behind your back due to Democrat Libtard weenie "Rules of Engagement."

I wonder if FDR told Ike to instruct the soldiers at Normandy to hold their fire until after they were wounded or killed? I agree with King on one thing. This is not the time to put our men and money in harms way... when the only goal would be to enhance your presidential approval rating in the polls. Chalk up another great Foreign Policy failure for the muslim Obama.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.