an mo ham med, if you are readin this, we could also discuss the following rather delicate issues:

1. you really might wana consider letting the girls learn how to read an rite and do numbers...think positive, maybe they could get home based, on line, dinar paying jobs, so you don't gotta work so hard when its hot out.

2. an while we is talkin bout de girls, you might wana consider letting erm ware less outside, particularly during da summer, when its so hot...I mean, we let you look at ours. why not return the courtesy?

3. an den der is the pork we know what that's all about. but, that was a long time ago, an pigs is much cleaner inside now, than they used to be...if you ever tried pulled pork, you might change your mind about this. an consider:

da Chinese are the largest producers of pork in the world. and they will soon be the largest consumers of oil in the got da oil. de got da pork. sounds like a deal just waitin to happen.

if you are agreeable, lets get together, some ware private, and knock down a few shots and beers, so we can loosen up an work on how we can all live together in peace on this planet. wadda ya say mo?

Last edited by ed good; 06/21/14 09:37 AM.

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