Originally Posted By: King Brown
Who's to blame for a three-peat---media for reporting it or voters who don't like it?

As for spreading ideology, there's more of it in the global mall of the Internet---as in Misfires---than in "mainstream news media."

Simply reporting the news is a lot different than spinning the news and injecting a particular idealogy, such as we see in the Liberal media of the U.S. today.

As for the internet being a "global mall" of influence... isn't that why you're here King... because you know you can spread lies, bullshit, and your Libtard agenda of advancing Socialism and LULLING U.S. gunowners?

Wouldn't it be even better for you if you could silence those who confront your lies by false claims of incivility. Dishonesty is what's really uncivil.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.