Originally Posted By: eightbore
We are members of the revolutionary right, whether you know it or not. We are under no obligation to respect either the person or the office of president. Our president is intent on destroying our country, our economy, and our way of life. In addition, he is a flaming racist and has no place in our society. Please get off this "respect the office" podium. The last two democrat presidents have made a mockery of the office, have used it to enrich themselves and destroy the American way of life and morality. No respect here.

I couldn't agree more.
All we are trying to do is keep the membership here informed in the permanent thread in this part of the forum(no opinions allowed) and in Misfires where some pretty spirited debates go on. That's also where all the misinformation that you see everyday in the "mainstram news media" is debunked. For example and I'll just use this one. The occupant of the White House reported on national TV a couple of days ago that there's been "one shooting per week at schools since Newtown".*** Obama obviously got this information from a report put together by Bloomberg's organization(Now how's that for an unbiased source!). The REAL number is far lower, documented over on Misfires from multiple sources and even agreed upon by CNN hardly a bastion of conservatism. If a Conservative President had ever reported such misinformation he'd have been tarred and feathered by the mainstream press. However; I can prettty much guarantee you you won't hear his bogus number disputed on the major networks.
The Internet along with talk radio are the primary sources today to get the truth out as the 'mainstream news media" is a tool of the left wing current administration.
That's why it's so important that these issues be discussed here.
I commend Dave Weber for having the insight to recognize just how importan this is.

***BTW: This whopper is in the same category as "90% of the guns used in crime in Mexico come from the United States". Every left wing politico and newscaster repeatedly cited this "fact" and even though many of us knew the number was bogus we couldn't get it repudiated. That of course was until Operation Fast and Furious came along and blew the argument wide open. I haven't heard that out and out lie repeated since.

Last edited by italiansxs; 06/13/14 07:24 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.