Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: keith
show us some proof of either racism or misogyny in Misfires. Put up or shut up.

I guess commonly referring to the president as the magic negro isn't racist one bit. Nor are blanket characterizations of muslims at all racist. I also figure that the code words tossed up that the unemployed or welfare recipients are lazy and have no work ethic have no racist connotation at all. Yup no proof whatsoever on the misfires.

Replacement beat me to the punch with the origins of referring to Obama as the magic negro. Most of us in Misfires despise the man because of his politics, especially his extreme Socialist and anti-gun proclivities. We despised the lilly white Bill Clinton for the same reasons. We also wholeheartedly support Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and respect his views. Justice Thomas, who supports the Second Amendment... unlike you, is black by the way. I, for one, realize that in terms of sheer numbers, there are more whites on Welfare than blacks. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you weren't one of them. Any references to Muslims are less critical than your characterizations of Christians, nca225. Radical Muslims, the kind who want to exterminate all of us Infidels are another story. We have no respect for them at all. Strangely, you do.

nca225, you have shown us repeatedly that you have an anti-gun bent and you steadfastly support politicians who would happily strip us of our Second Amendment Constitutional rights. And probably the last misogynist statement in Misfires came from you last year nca225, when you said those vile filthy disgusting things about my daughters. Come to think of it, King Brown was the only one who thought I should forgive you for that. Birds of a feather stick together, eh.

I also notice King hasn't come up with anything to support his earlier statements.

EDIT: Byrddog's statement about Jim was sheer insanity. Jim has never critiqued anyone for not doing enough to support our gun rights. He has merely kept us informed of attacks upon those rights. I, however, have exhorted and encouraged all gun guys to do more. We owe our kids and grandkids the same kind of enjoyment of firearms that we've had. Call, write and e-mail your legislators and tell them that we do not support restrictions on the Civil Rights of law abiding gun owners of any kind. Register to vote and get out to vote this November for pro-gun rights politicians. Join the NRA because it is the best and cheapest gun insurance you can buy. I think it's sad that 4 or 5 million NRA members carry the load for 50 million gun owners. Could it be that reminders that many aren't doing anything to help preserve our gun rights is the biggest reason they hate to see Second Amendment threads in the main forum??? Those who are helping know it, and surely shouldn't feel upset by calls to get the others to help out a little.

Last edited by keith; 06/13/14 02:49 AM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.