I will send money to my party, my candidates, and vote.

I am against affirmative action, political correctness, years of unemployment insurance payments for the unemployed, abortion, the war on coal, the guerrilla war on fossil fuels, Obamacare, subsidizing solar and wind energy, gun control, non-universal income tax, and the left's domination of the network news.

I am for food stamps, social security, medicare, medicaid, and programs that try to divert drug addicts to treatment in lieu of prison, progressive income tax, user taxes on fuel to maintain highways and airports, and states' rights.

Now if I am uncivil to everyone that disagrees with me on any of this I will never be civil. And if we gun owners exclude everyone that disagrees with us about any of the items in my list we are going to lose our effectiveness in promoting our sport, hobby, self defense rights, and our guns.

I am glad to be here.