Originally Posted By: J.R.B.

Mike, to be perfectly honest I'm tired of being civil. Everytime us conservatives have been civil the liberals have walked on us. The only thing they understand is getting hit over the head with a verbal sledge hammer. If you don't think they have walked on us go back to the Gun Control Act of 1968 and every damned new gun law passed since. I'm glad keith rubs their nose in it when ever they fall on their ass, just like rubbing a dogs nose in it when he shits on the floor.

JRB, Do you think that will be a successful strategy moving forward or will it entrench what opposition there is.

There are three groups of people, us, them and the undecided. We aren't changing the minds of the anti gun people, only the undecided. One could scare the shit out of them, the way the left does constantly does about guns. But I don't think that's too effective. Sure, the NRA efforts scare the shit out of elected officials and get them to do the right thing but as you point out, that's a constant battle. Better to figure out a successful indoctrination of the undecided into our camp. We won't accomplish that by being angry old men, no matter how right we are.

You, Keith, Doug and a few others sometimes confuse what I'm saying as if I cared what the left leaning members here think. I know what they think and I won't be changing their minds, no matter how nice or rude our exchanges are. Because of that, I'd just as soon they are nice exchanges. I have enough unpleasantness in my life....I don't come here for more.

What I'm generally talking about is the larger picture...for example the Millenials in the Pew poll Dave posted about. There is the jackpot....the ones that can make a difference.

I'll give you an example in another area of life and politics....inter generational change.

You all have probably heard that since the mid 1960's there has been a strong effort by a faction in Quebec to separate from Canada. Over the last 50 years, facts and reason have been lost on those who heard the siren song. The province suffered mightily, both economically and socially, as did the rest of Canada. The separatists have spoken with an angry voice for half a century, lying the whole time. Finally, after enough exposure to the hollowness and falseness of their dream and the lies, the population of Quebec is done with them. Oh, they'll flap around like a dying turkey for a few more elections, but it's over. Why? Because they are a bunch of angry old reactionaries, fighting battles the younger generations couldn't care less about. Each passing year they are a smaller group and less relevant.

To me, the Left today are those those separatists. Liars simply trying to maintain their position at the public trough. We need people like Keith, rigorous in their efforts to expose the lies. But it has to be more than that.

There has to be something good and uplifting to win them, their hearts and minds. That's not just a slogan for the Left, it should be a rallying call for the Right. You have the reality and mythology of your American history, as uplifting a story as can be told. Surely to God your Founders would have been able to do better than kick the ground and grumble about the F***ing Libtards.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia