EPA, FBI raids USA Brass in Bozeman Montana

Hannity Forum -- Thanks for the heads up Eric

Seems our liberal agenda is now full steam ahead to kill anyone's business it is to keep brass and shooting your firearms available to the general public. As the Media is being stonewalled by the EPA and the FBI, information about the warrant used is sealed. However information is getting out from the employees and there are some really bizarre behaviors by the feds in this case. Below is a letter from Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association:
Dear MSSA Friends,

Most of you will be aware that armed employees of the EPA and FBI recently conducted an armed raid on a company in Bozeman that recycles used cartridge brass.

Several months ago, OSHA visited the business, USA Brass, because of allegations of workplace safety issues, notably lead dust in the air from tumbling fired brass (the lead dust would be from primers). There were two employees who had lead levels above what is acceptable. As a result, USA Brass invested a lot of money in expensive air filtration and ventilation equipment, and upgraded employee training and practices. As a result, USA Brass passed a subsequent inspection by OSHA.

I'm told, USA Brass managers didn't kneel quickly enough to OSHA inspectors and offended them by not being subserviently cooperative. So, the subsequent raid by EPA, FBI and others was conducted to teach them a lesson about federal power and proper cooperation.

Many, if not all, of the federal employees were visibly armed. Upon arrival, the federal employees forced all the employees into a room or rooms where they were isolated and held for hours. The employees cell phones were confiscated so they could have no communication out of the building. The feds disabled all of the security cameras in the building so there would be no video record of the federal deeds or misdeeds. (There is no reasonable excuse for that.)

The feds confiscated and took away all laptop computers and external hard drives, and copied all desktop hard drives, including USA Brass's contact information for 10,000 customers.

I see this as a Montana version of what's happening in Nevada. (Its slightly different in that Nevada involves unconstitutionally possessed lands by unconstitutional bureaucracies; and, of course, there is no armed stand-off in Montana. Whats happening in Montana is more like what was done to Gibson Guitars. There, you may recall, armed fedl bureaucrats held employees hostage while they seized wood used to make guitars, computers, etc., purportedly because the wood was obtained in violation of some regulation out of India that the government of India was not the least bit interested in prosecuting. It took years, but Gibson eventually got the wood back; apology is still forthcoming. Unlike Gibson though, and like Bundy, this one involves 2nd Amendment rights. So lets call it a hybrid.)
What I find odd is the disabling of the security systems recording functions. What illegal behavior was it they intended to hide? This all after a compliance inspection from OSHA to see if they had indeed corrected the work place safety issues, which they passed.

This has the appearance of scorched earth policies by this administration of beat one to death and the rest will fall in line.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.