Doug, I went to Gary's link, as he suggested, and found nothing more definitive than what has already been expressed here. The story touches on the ambivalence of right and wrongs of both sides, and said the standoff was only another "trampling" incursion on Second Amendment endemic across the country (which I have mentioned here many times in spite of notions of inalienable rights).

As far as not understanding America, this is small potatoes compared to the Weathermen, civil rights struggle, burning of Washington, Detroit and Los Angeles. Nothing new of US rebellion and protest. Note no definitive of right or wrong in Gary's link. My opinion is that if a dimwit of either side pulled a trigger it would be a victory for the grabbers. For all the bombast of black and white hats, cooler heads prevailed.

"While it has been widely reported that Bundy failed to pay grazing fees (taxes in order to utilize the land), that is not entirely true. Bundy said in numerous interviews yesterday that he’s abiding by the State of Nevada’s laws, and that he’s happy to pay fees directly to Clark County, which he believes has appropriate jurisdiction, not the Feds.

"Whichever side is right, we have seen a scenario play out that will play out again and again for the foreseeable future. As the federal government in Washington continues to grow and overreach for more and more power — as the NSA leans in to listen a little more closely, as the IRS continues to place their foot on the neck of democracy — you will see more and more of these battles wage, and more American citizens rebel.

"We saw this in Colorado last fall with the Colorado recalls — an all-out gun battle over the government’s attempt to erode Second Amendment rights. We are seeing this scene repeat in states like New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, where Second Amendment rights are being trampled, and the people are beginning to entertain the idea of similar recall efforts."