The proof, as they say, is in the Pudding.

King Brown is a student of the Saul Alinsky philosophy. So is Bill and Hillary Clinton. Eric Holder, Raum Emanuel, and most of the Obama team. And of course, star pupil Barack Hussein Obama himself. Here, we have a quote from King's and Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky... as he essentially dedicates his work to Satan...

" Alinsky wrote: “Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement of the very first radical, from all our legends, mythology, and history … the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

I read "Rules for Radicals" a few years ago for the same reasons I often watch MSNBC. You need to know your enemy in order to defeat them. I searched for a brief synopsis that accurately sums up Saul Alinsky's methodology and found this:

King won't be able to refute this, but he may try ridicule since that is one of the "Rules".

King Brown's resume inflation has been on full display in this thread, and if you look at Rule #1, you begin to understand why.
From "being there" as JFK broke out to become the first Catholic President, to being Martin Luther King's Home Boy, to his own personal involvement and one sided observations of the Civil Rights struggle, I decided to let him take out a lot of line. It wasn't until he made the insane and dishonest comparison between him and the NRA that I decided to set the hook.

Kingsley Brown really did work on racial reforms and tough love Affirmative Action near Antigonish. The problem is, it wasn't our Funny Uncle Kingsley Brown. It was his Dad, Kingsley Ewart Brown, the WWII veteran, bomber pilot, and 3 year German POW who escaped from Stalag Luft 3. Tough, influential, and well connected, he was everything that Little King could never be. It was Dad who worked at nearby St. Francis Xavier University. It was Dad who prodded the local mayor, businessmen and the banker. And it was Dad, born in Toronto, who had the ear of many Canadian political leaders and who was a close personal friend of the President of the Toronto headquarters of the local bank.

Little King was there. He reported on it but little else. It was Dad who got him his first reporting job, after all. And now he is taking full credit for his Dad's good work. He has accused me of "dishonouring" his Dad, and even uses that lie as an excuse to pretend to ignore me. It almost seems a little "Psycho"... like Norman Bates assuming the personality of his mother.

But the ends justify the means, and a little resume inflation, or even a lot, is OK if it garners you the respect and credibility to make your spurious case, even as you ridicule and discredit others. See Rules #2, #3, and #5.

How many of you have seen King play Rule # 4 like a fine fiddle?
You stay strictly on topic while I do as I wish... You provide proof while I ignore your proof... Don't you be mean or mischievious, while I call names in the third person and hurl insults from afar, and lie through my teeth while pleading for civility.

Rules# 6, 7, and 8 speak for themselves, and #8 especially can explain how King can frequently re-invent his original position on many topics where he sees he is losing ground.

Going further down the list, we see the reason and justification for repeated lies and hypocrisy.

But really, for King to have the gall to compare the NRA and its' tactics and goals to those of him and his ilk goes beyond the pale.

The NRA does not tell outright lies to achieve it's goals.

The NRA does not use the First Amendment to undermine the Second Amendment.

The NRA is a single issue organization that believes gun rights are the key to maintaining our freedom from government oppression and the destruction of the rest of the Constitution.

The NRA is not Socialistic or Communist in any way and does not advocate Wealth Redistribution, Affirmative Action, Gun Control, Excessive spending and taxation, and fifty years of repeating failed Great Society policies.

I could go on and on illustrating how the NRA is nothing like King Brown.

Today, I received my credentials for my upgrade to Benefactor Life Member of the NRA. I would burn my membership card and disavow them completely if they ever acted like King Brown.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.