Pod as you can see I merely blocked the shotgun barrels with shotcups. Then I made a paper funnel and poured the melted stripping wax in to the breech face. I melted it in a long narrow clear glass jar over my gas range. You have to add a bit at the end as it tends of hollow out from the top down.

The paraffin worked much better as it is harder. I just plugged the barrel with a small piece of greased cloth. For greater pouring accuracy, I held a 12 ga plastic shotshell by the base with vice grips, poured the wax into that, and then carefully filled the rifle chamber. The paraffin also dishes down as it cools so you have to add a bit more at the end. I pushed the shotgun plugs out with a dowel and the rifle plug out with a soft iron rod.

With all the fine information the members here have provided, I am going to try and write up a description of the drilling and will submit it later for editing.