Originally Posted By: canvasback
....But be that as it may. I think you make great leaps of inference that aren't supported by anything when you make comments like:

"But how does catching two male dogs humping on video equate gay pc influence. Heck I know there're a bunch of leg hounds out there, that doesn't make the unlucky recipient an advocate for beastiality."

I just don't see what that comment has to do with what we have been discussing.

As to your second post above, what do you mean "who gets to choose?" My point, if I had one, that that queers probably don't get to choose....

Honestly cback, I think a dog humping a human leg is some built in instinctive 'thing' that some dogs do. I think it's somehow wired in with the mating ritual, but it certainly won't help the pup procreate. There's gotta be some study of leg hounds out there that burned good taxpayer money in the name of science.

Anyway, very well could be that the homosexual human does not get to 'choose'. What I was getting at is, who chose for you (meaning anyone of pc correctness) to so vigorously defend this particular topic. It's not that it's right wrong or indifferent, there's a cultural reflexive support for the topic when it's admitted to be such a tiny part of the real world.

Mentioned before, why don't 93% of all humans with a pulse just jump up and say homosexuality is wrong. Then, the discussion starts to see if maybe there's a place in society to be tolerant of the few who're 'not hurting anyone'. Equality doesn't stop at one gay guy is the equal of one straight guy. The argument is, the '7%' is the equal of the 93%.