Originally Posted By: craigd

Happy New Year. When it comes to the birds and the bees, the 'animals' that have shown to have various homosexual pairings probably get it right more often than not. These aren't extinct species, are they. Interesting, if someone can get two same sex worms to wiggle up to each other, that's a break through, and the opinion of the majority of humans is demonized.

I wonder though how many of those lower order critters attach emotion to the issue and lobby for more. Or, is the frolicking gay life style of a tiny percentage of nonhuman animals tolerated by the majority, right up until something bigger eats them.

Craig, just as you suggest and just like humans, the animals get it "right" most often. Although I don't think anyone is describing the observations of these behaviors as a "breakthrough"....just observations. Do you think it's a breakthrough? And I'm not hearing the scientists and naturalists involved demonizing the majority of humans for their sexual preferences. These seem to be imaginary scenarios your fertile mind is concocting.

As for your second paragraph, you are probably right....like any other behavior in the wild, it is tolerated until the participants are eaten. The thing is the rest of the animal kingdom isn't busy making moral judgements...just trying to stay alive. And it wasn't long ago that standard scientific and religious thought held that no animal had emotions. Tell that to any dog owner.

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