Adolf Loesche, Hoflieferant - Magdeburg had additional outlets/satellite locations and with different advertising:
Hof-Büchsenmacher, etc.

"An Adolf Loesche opened his shop at Koelner Strasse 13, Magdeburg, in 1873. Son Gustav Loesche took over in 1905. In 1916 Waffen-Loesche, Magdeburg is listed at Wilhelmstrasse 13 (street renamed?). In 1916 he bought the remains of the bankrupt Stendebach & Co., Suhl. He closed this Suhl branch in 1926. His branch in Berlin is documented post-WW1 only, 1925-1941.
The Adolf Loesche, Grosse Packhofstrasse 21, Hannover branch was opened in 1919, together with A. Helmuthauser."

Kind Regards,
