Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
I do not understand what the big deal was in the first place. Vast majority of people that watch this show have views similar to PR so it's not like he offended anyone. While I have never seen episode I assume it's similar to Swamp People which interested me for grand total of two viewings.

I couldn't agree more about the potential offence to their viewers.....there was none! Although I would suggest the lifestyle portrayed in the two shows is quite different.

I think this ties into some of Craig's comments that came after this post from Jaegermeister. As in, no one watching the show is offended. PR espoused a view held literally by millions and millions of Americans.....by and large most "born again" Christians as well as many, many Roman Catholics who choose to actually follow their church's teaching. And it is a relatively small number of professional agitators, GLAAD, and others, who kick up a fuss and demand change.

So while I personally could care less what they are doing in their bedrooms, I hate what they are doing out in our society....agitating for change that results in our society being dominated by politically correct GroupThink, with no room for dissenting opinions.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia