Originally Posted By: canvasback

Why would God care about homosexual sex? It's not producing kids and doesn't hurt anyone, except perhaps those involved. Those people could be honest, kind, charitable, productive and loving. Why does God give a crap about the form of sex they engage in?

Sorry to be so tardy in replying, James. Been kinda busy this morning.

Great question, BTW. As I considered my reply to it lots of things came to mind. Each has validity and substance, IMO.

One could reply that it is a command of God, and that I have no right to question it, just obey. I disagree. We are told to work out our salvation "with fear and trembling". Part of that, to me, is questioning. When we question God, in a reverant way, and seek to better understand his ways, He honors that, I believe. Why someone wants to know is key. If it is to pattern our lives more like Christ, then go for it.

One could also use the example given for marriage, throughout Scriptures, as being modeled after Christ and His church, the church being called the bride of Christ. Revelation 21:2 ....... "as a bride adorned for HER husband" (italics and caps mine).

But, I consider this an understandable and compassionate reason God cares about homosexual sex (and condemns it). He created man, we don't create ourselves. We procreate, not the same thing. He, and He alone, gives life. All the millions that will ever be spent trying to create life will never be successful. It is God given. As that Creator, He loves His creation (man) with a love that we cannot fully comprehend. God loves us all, every one. God loves the vilest sinner with a love that caused Him to send His Son to a cruel death, to shed royal blood as a propitiation for the sins of those He loved (loves). We have a hard time differentiating between the sinner and the sin. He doesn't. God hates the sin ....... he hates homosexuality, adultery, pedophilia, and He hates greed, selfishness and bitter gossip. All are harmful to us as humans.

Notice that all sin, every one that is listed and identified in the Scriptures, is harmful to human beings, either physically, mentally or spiritually. God's relentless love for man required Him to make known to us the things that would harm us. Homosexuality IS harmful to man. These participants that appear to be happy and "gay", are anything but. Their lives are not clothed in the true happiness God desires for us, again, because He loves us that much. Just research the suicide rates, the drug use, the alcoholism rates among homosexuals. Keep in mind it is hard to find accurate data now, because the truth about them is not in keeping with political correctness. But, it's there.

So, in summary, God cares about sexual sin because He, in His infinite wisdom as Creator and Healer, knows that it is not in the best interest of His greatest creation, us. Once we grasp the magnificence of that undying love for us, we want to return it, which is the greatest motivation for obeying His commandments. Simply, we trust Him, and in faith, obey. True happiness follows. smile

Hope your power will soon be restored. You're in my prayers.


Last edited by Stan; 12/22/13 04:23 PM.

May God bless America and those who defend her.