Okay Stan, I like that. So here some variations that gets back to my original question about the issues of sex being sinful.

I am assuming "fornication" in that context is about sex between non married people. Why does God even care about that. If, as you suggest, the Bible is to be taken literally, as came up in the discussion about bacon with George, it can't be about the possibility of children, because that can be dealt with today. In the sense of two people, living together, having children, just not being "married" according to church practice.

Why would God care about homosexual sex? It's not producing kids and doesn't hurt anyone, except perhaps those involved. Those people could be honest, kind, charitable, productive and loving. Why does God give a crap about the form of sex they engage in?

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia