Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
While I think it is foolishness to deny the Biblical admonition that homosexuality is a sin, I can't agree with Phil's statement that they're going to Hell for sure.

The Christ I pray to is one of redemption and I believe all who accept His Grace are welcome to whatever Kingdom there may be. Phil's Old Testament opinion is not my own.


Phil's statement is not an Old Testament "opinion" only. I don't see how the following New Testament scripture can be interpreted any other way.

I Cor. 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. NKJV

God's grace is there for all who will accept His cross for themselves and walk in His ways. But His saving grace does not extend to those who willfully disobey his statutes and commandments. Among those things He says is sin are those in the above verse written by Paul to the Corinthians. Notice there are others there, besides homosexuality, but 4 of the 7 mentioned there are sexual sins. It seems the Corinthians had a special tendency toward those.

I think where we often are guilty of hypocrisy is our propensity to point a bony finger at homosexuals, condemning their sins, and overlook our own sins. Though God especially called homosexuality an abomination, He never meant that other sins were less serious. All sin separates us from Him, and His saving grace only comes through forgiveness, and forgiveness only comes through repentance, actively denouncing and turning away from those sins in our lives.

Christ is our Redeemer, absolutely, and redemption can come only through Him. But, the kicker is that until we turn from our sins and ask forgiveness, that grace and redemption does not include us. The idea that Christ died for all, and that God is a loving God that would never condemn anyone to hell, including practicing homosexuals (and thieves, idolaters, extortioners, and adulterers) is a lie promoted by the Enemy to salve man's conscience.

I agree with Phil. If you believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God, that it is inerrant, and does not contradict itself, you must believe that practicing homosexuals are bound for a terrible eternity away from the presence of God, in hell. However, as long as there is life in a body there is hope for conviction of sin, repentance, and reconciliation. But, when the body and soul separate, at death, it is too late. There is no changing the soul's destination at that point. God doesn't change to suit the times. James 1:17 ...... "with whom (the Father) there is no variation or shadow of turning".NKJV The God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is the same God we serve today, and the same one we will stand before to give account of the deeds of this life.

Sobering thought.

All my best, SRH

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