Yes, the trend to government, a safe job, a sinecure, pension at the end of it seemed to accelerate in the 50s. I couldn't understand it at the time. It seemed like it had the attraction of a post office job or in the military, for many employment of last resort. Then it got worse.

Loyalty disappeared in the last 25 years or so when employees were sacrificed left and right to the bottom-line. Brighter ones decided the only way was to get in business for themselves. Then women started beating the pants off the boys, getting seats in college and graduate schools, better grades, better jobs, better salaries. Maybe they'll get us through.

No, I wasn't attracted to trickle-down: the oats in the favoured end and what comes out at the other end for the sparrows. Nor greed is good as espoused by our Canadian felon Conrad Black who bragged about it. I think it's great to be successful, make a good salary, into the millions if you like and all the toys that go with it.

Problem is that currently a tiny slice at the top is making the money without any sweat, working hard as you said, the middle is falling back in earnings and the risk takers are the middle class who pay for that surpassing greed through taxes for generations, as they're doing now. Government isn't competing against capitalism; Big Business needs Big Government to exist.