The "Greater good" is a socialist concept.

Anyone here has the capacity to start their own business....a business is started to make the people putting the money and hard workto get it going to make a profit. They didn't risk their capital and waste their time to help someone who didn't put any real effort or risk anything of their own.

Employees are paid a fair wage in exchange for their time....The Employer didn't adopt them and its not their problem if their wife isn't giving them any..or if their daughter is sleeping with everyone in town.

Again like I stated...I don't see any Liberals putting THEIR money into projects that will cost them their savings in the end just to help someone lazier or dumber than they are. But they are real quick to demand others put their money to that goal.

THey talk a big game..but when it comes to put up or shut up...the excuses start flowing and in the end the average Liberal here in the USA is the cheapest tightwad on the planet. THey are as resistant to spend a dime of their own money but are exceptionally generous with money stolen, taxed, ripped off or otherwise taken unwillingly off the productive members of give to the lazy and the dumb who are told look what "I" did for you....when in fact it wasn't THEIR was someone elses money. Nearly always someone who didn't want it going to the lazy and the dumb.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 10/21/13 03:32 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.