canvas: let me clarify:

- "Europeans expecting there leaders to take care of them", goes back to the feudal system, where the lords of the manors took care of their vassals. the vassals, of course, gave up most of their rights in exchange for that care. those rights included, the right to hunt, the right to practice ones religion and the right to own land. these are three of the major reasons why many of our European ancestors came here to begin with.

- the reign of Lincoln the usurper, was not "a brief hiccough in time". it was the beginning of the fundamental change in the relationship of the states to the central federal government, which then evolved in the twentieth century, to a fundamental change in the relationship of individuals to the central federal government...obamacare is a major step in the further evolution of the relationship of the individual to the central government.

- in our democratic republic, power hungry, political opportunist from either the right or the left, will take advantage of the discontent of consumer voters and promise them what ever they want and not just what they need, in order to win elections.

keep it simple and keep it safe...