King, I think we lost Africa when we slowed down the unfettered transfer of wealth to despots. Any response Africa had to our characterization of Palestinians was to further their own issues, not express support for the Palestinians. You mistake corrupt self interest for altruistic pan-nationalism.

The fact that Natives are "fighting back" is no excuse for the lawlessness they engage in and no excuse for the tacit acceptance of it by our ruling class.

85% unemployment on the reservation near Rexton and the locals have filed suit to ensure the status quo and avoid jobs. I don't care if NS is the best, statistically. I care about the thinking behind the desire to continue an unsustainable existence. (I recognize my Rexton example is in NB)

They are fighting back in idiotic ways and they are being encouraged in it by misguided as well as corrupt people, both white and native. Two sets of laws, racially based, is and will continue to be, profoundly dysfunctional. And the people who will suffer, long term, as always, are the natives.

If you don't learn from history, you will be condemned to repeat it. There is no example of differing laws for different races that proved effective over time. In fact, in the 20th century most enlightened nations worked hard to stamp out segregatory laws and behaviors, at home and abroad. Despite that, fuzzy headed white people have clung to the idea that a two tier system, based on race, is what the natives of North America need.

It is foolishness and hypocrisy of the highest order.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia