Originally Posted By: ed good
keep in mind, that without the counter balance of American liberalism, which includes the second amendment, the na zis and fasist would most likely take over here, as they did in the thirties in Germany, Italy and Spain...

I can see it now, the readily identifiable powerless and poor, would become the scapegoats for our troubles, just like the jews and gypsies were blamed for Europe's woos...

Ed, I don't think that is true at all and I wonder what your justification for suggesting it is? The histories and circumstances of the countries that fell to fascism in the 1930's were vastly different than America. There is not a history of America accepting totalitarian regimes of any stripe, while it has been commonplace in Europe and within the living memories of those people in those countries in the 1930's.

Your comment reeks of the unsubstantiated fear-mongering typical of the left when confronted with a differing viewpoint. An emotion based blurb with little basis in reality.

I like a lot of your comments here Ed, although this one just doesn't add up.

Last edited by canvasback; 10/20/13 01:56 PM. Reason: spelling

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia