If you look at the crime statistics for the USA based on race....you will see an 18% minority is committing a statistical majority of most crimes.

I don't have personal issues with blacks as a group...only the ones that feel they are entitled to a free ride over somthing that ended in the mid 1800's. Well over 5 decades before my grandparents ever set foot in the USA.

I wouldn't even venture to say most of them think like that....but a large minority of them do...at least that aren't affraid to openly say so. I'll give most of the rest a benifit of the doubt.

I've worked with enough of them for the last couple decades to know they all don't. A few for almost 17 years. They however were Armed Forces Veterans....and not street punks.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.