Originally Posted By: King Brown
Agree, Dave. The US isn't pulling in from its world empire military outposts because it has become Quakers all of a sudden. It's asking its allies to start paying for their share of heavy lifting required for decent world leadership because of burdens you've mentioned at home as well. It is time all countries lived within their means. The US government, however, is saying the country can afford a healthcare program that is less expensive and encompassing than what is common to other countries.

A minority within a great old party said no. Congress approval now is zilch. The ginks will kick it down the road for another day.The country's handling of Katrina gave our mutual enemies a propaganda nuclear bomb that we're paper tigers. The current governance has handed them an atomic one. Who's afraid of people who can't run their own country without putting the world economy at risk?

A MAJORITY in the GOP think NO(in fact NONE voted for it), as well as a MAJORITY(over 60% DON"T want obamacare) of the public who are getting forced into the costly obamacare,which by all definition is disaster ( You Didn't build That Mr. O )

Hillary For Prison 2018