Originally Posted By: King Brown
The United States is still rich and powerful; it can look after debt and obamacare, as other less dynamic and poorer countries do.

I'm sure the citizens of Greece felt much the same way...."our government can afford to pay me".....until it couldn't.

Is this what you taught your children about sound personal fiscal behavior. Did you encourage them to max out their loans, mortgages and credit cards?

King this is crazy reasoning. I'm not a chicken little but surely to God you understand that at some point, even the US will run out of the ability to carry it's debt and discharge it's responsibilities. Interest rates now are at near record lows, have been for a decade or longer. But all of us remember when rates were much higher.

When you make statements like that, it sounds like you say it in such a cavalier manner that you actually wish for the collapse.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia