Originally Posted By: King Brown
There's a tiny minority here that would love to see bombs falling in violation of international law in spite of the cautionary strategy of the major powers, east and west, our allies and China and Russia. This minority knows what's best for us. It's in no position to pull any strings, hair-trigger or otherwise.

World opinion is the other way entirely.

King, there's another lie. The only "tiny minority" is you and Jaegermeister who both think that engaging the Iranians with diplomacy would be productive. Opinion of Security Council members China and Russia are almost universally on the opposite side of U.S. and Western interests. Most people with a brain, here and abroad, can see that Obama is being played by the Iranians... and can also see that his foreign policy has been a big failure, other than those things which were merely a continuation of Bush policies, i.e., the surge, the hunt for bin Ladin, the drone program to exterminate Al Qeada leadership, etc.

For God's sake craigd, ed, or canvasback, please say something... anything... so that Burger King can indirectly answer me through you! He's still pretending to ignore me after I busted him in all his lies. whistle

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.