Two things. First, I know it's small but just realized I have past the 1000 post mark. Yippee!!

Second, America, with "will" and determination, could bomb the crap out of Iran and even use nukes to utterly destroy any capability Iran has to create those bombs and no one, I repeat no one, like Russia, is coming to help Iran. Rats fleeing the ship in the face of strength and determination. America's problem since Korea, IMHO, has been to handicap herself, as though limited engagements will serve the purpose.

The Nobel Peace Prize winning strategy of Canada's own Lester Pearson, of peacekeeping efforts by the UN, has proven an abject failure in the long run. How's it working out in Cypress? What is required to end hostilities is a clear winner and a clear loser. A ceasing of hostilities may save lives in the short term but dooms the participants to generations of further hostilities. Look at the Balkans.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia