Originally Posted By: canvasback
Coming into this discussion a bit late but it is utterly clear that the USA does NOT have the will to stop the Iranian nuke program. Didn't have it for North Korea and don't have it now. Any other interpretation of the facts requires a willful ignorance.

Three cheers for at least one voice of reason coming from Canada!

Earlier this evening, I heard a replay of the speech Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu made concerning zero tolerance for Iran ever getting nukes. He made it abundantly clear that Israel will act, alone if necessary, to stop it. He also made it clear that if Israel were forced to act alone, their response to the Iranian threat would save not only Israeli lives, but countless other lives as well.

After the replay, a comment was made comparing Netanyahu to Winston Churchill, and comparing Obama to Neville Chaimberlain. I thought that was very insulting to Neville Chaimberlain. How very sad that the Commander/Golfer-in- Chief of the most powerful military in the world is content to let tiny Israel save us all from the most dangerously radical Islamists on the planet.

King suggests that Pakistan with nukes is a far greater threat than Iran with nukes, yet Pakistan has never threatened to wipe Israel off of the map or destroy the Great Satan, the U.S.A.--- Pakistan does not see igniting Armageddon as the tool to usher in the return of the Great Mahdi. How utterly stupid!

What do you say about someone so ignorant of history and the whims of ruthless evil dictators? If it comes from a 16 year old kid with scant knowledge and a very limited worldview, you could call him naively ignorant. But when the same comes from a well travelled and educated 80+ year old man who has lived to see Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Tojo, Lenin, Pol Pot, Hussein, Amin, etc. who have killed perhaps hundreds of millions without nukes, you have to question his intelligence and sanity.

*Addendum after seeing Kings post below: In Re., Will and Ability... Obama has the ABILITY to lobby Congress to pass bills to continue paying our military men after the Gov't shutdown, but he only has the WILL to continue funding the entitlement crowd and protect his Leftist agenda. Easy to see where his priorities are.

Last edited by keith; 10/01/13 11:37 PM. Reason: response to more insane blather.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.