Originally Posted By: King Brown
No one's in charge, Craig. The will to stop the program is there. The "how" to do it without setting off a major war is the issue. The US has provided the world with irrefutable evidence that even the most powerful military has its limits.

I can appreciate this King, It just doesn't seem to reconcile with 'back-channeling right down to every gesture'.

I think you're mistaken about the 'will' to prevail. Hopefully, the world never sees what the worlds most powerful military could unleash, but it's clear the will to use that stick just is not there.

Do you think the US's current foreign policy might mirror social justice. Seems like disarmament and apologizing for battlefield success are mandatory. Maybe there're some who want the US to have a little equality with the less fortunate, and nuke proliferation is one way to level the field.